About Me

I’m Lexie.
Raised by the internet. Art girl. Designer.

I’ve always been fascinated by the science of the human brain. As an undergraduate, I was obsessed with the research details of how our minds learn. Design is the art and science of everyday things: the magic of ordinary objects.

Every career arc is a tale of twists and turns. Here’s my story so far.

Designer to therapist is kind of an unusual career path, right?

🦄 I was a very artsy kid →
🎨 I discovered making Geocities websites →
💻 Hobby becomes an income →
👩‍💻 Career as a designer and researcher

Life is funny like that.

I grew up on the internet. Back in the old, wild, weird days of the web you had to make your own websites to participate in the community of the net.

Elementary school me believed that the world needed to see my cool Microsoft Paint unicorn pictures. I learned to code because there were no other unicorn fans at school.

My childhood hobby blossomed into a career. I’ve been lucky enough to work alongside startups meeting in coffee shops, small consultancies, and multinational corporations.

I’m proudest of the research work I did as a consultant at the world’s premier UX Research Consultancy, Nielsen Norman Group. In terms of the design/research work I feel most accomplished about, I learned so much from my time at IHS Markit. IHS Markit is a specialized agency that serves clients in finance. Clients I partnered with as an agency designer include The Financial Times, CNN Money, and Charles Schwab.

Designer to therapy school and back again?

In 2023, I decided to begin a second career in therapy. My alma mater, Columbia University, took actions that I cannot in good conscience support. You may or may not have heard about how Columbia University has been expelling student protestors. Some protests, I’ve heard, have gotten violent and that seems appropriate in some cases. There have been many cases where arrests, expulsion, or other actions are completely unwarranted. Recently the university welcomed back anti-apartheid activists just to have them arrested. As a student, I witnessed silent or singing protesters on a campus sidewalk being rounded up into police vans or hospitalized.

I’ve never been arrested and that includes as an activist. I cannot in good conscience financially support an institution that takes such unethical actions.

The internet is an elaborate web of human emotion.

Graphics made by me and a robot.

I <3 drawing. Very time-consuming hobby though. My illustration skills used to be pretty good but they were never this good done purely freehand.

All graphics are made by me with some artificial intelligence assistance. I use a mix of:

  • AI art tools

  • Traditional graphics software

  • Digital painting

  • Public domain images

About My Ex-Boyfriend, Who Edited My First Posts <3

Josh R. was an incredible friend. We were friends before we dated. After a wonderful year, we broke up largely due to stress. He enjoys music, art, video games, and being too kind for this absurd universe. At this time, he is not considering a career in therapy. I asked.

After I wondered if I was still in love with the man who dumped me in 2022, I went out into the world alone. Josh deserved to feel like the most amazing person in the world. I’m still single right now. We’ll always be friends but I need to be single.